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Master txhua yam thiab taug qab yooj yim - [XADGPS], koj tus pab nrhiav txhua qhov chaw
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Yuav pib li cas:

1. Download [XADGPS]: Mus rau App Store lossis Google Play, tshawb rau "[XADGPS]" thiab rub tawm thiab nruab nws lossis luam theej duab QR code txhawm rau rub tawm ncaj qha.
2. Sau npe rau ib tus as-qhauj: Qhib lub app, tsuas yog sau npe tus account, thiab yooj yim tsim koj tus kheej lossis pab pawg tswj xyuas.
3. Pib taug qab: Ntxiv cov khoom koj xav tau los taug qab, teeb tsa koj nyiam, thiab pib txoj kev taug qab ntse tam sim ntawd.